CSC and the creation of drug policies II. Visits from Germany: CSCD – Dachverband deutscher Cannabis Social Clubs and Berlin Public Health officers
Last March was a busy month for this humble Cannabis Social Club. After the visit of the Barcelona Cannabis Social Club Tour 2023: Navigating Drug Policy in Catalonia the first days of March, the following weeks we received some Visits from Germany: CSCD – Dachverband deutscher Cannabis Social Clubs and Berlin Public Health officers.
Representatives of the German CSC Federation CSCD – Dachverband and Public Health officers from several districts of Berlin have come on different occasions to examine how the CSC model works (the fundamentals of which are Self-cultivation, Closed Circuit Access to cannabis, Risk Reduction and Pleasure Management). Again were mixed the excellent appreciation of the CSC model and the perplexity before the model situation in its birthplace (Supreme Court confirms annulment of CSC regulations in Barcelona).
Regarding the German Federation, they came representatives of CSC High Ground (Berlin), CSC Kiel and CSC HL (Lübeck). Also visited us a reporter of the Hanf Journal, german cannabis media, and published an article about us. Both the Federation and the Public Health officers expressed their wish to export the model to Germany, now that it has sent its cannabis law to the EU.
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