Maybe some time have you asked yourself how a Cannabis Social Club works. In the article (in Spanish) ¿Qué es una Asociación Cannábica o Cannabis Social Club? we expand the information, but now we just want to put a light …

Fundamentals of a Cannabis Social Club Read more »

LSMC invite all partners. Saturday May 3 to participate in the global march in defense of the rights of consumers of cannabis, Million Marijuana March 2014, to be held in the Plaza Sant Jaume de Barcelona at 17:00. ATTEND AND …

Million Marihuana March 2014 in Barcelona Read more »

Sagrada Maria Club invites its members to cultural events and cannabis activism San Canuto day in Barcelona, organized by the Catalan Cannabis Movement. Saturday, January 18th at 16:30: Sunday 19 January at 17:00: The regulation of cannabis is also in …

Protest Cannabica San Canuto 2014 in Barcelona Read more »